

you can never be overdressed or overeducated – oscar wilde

STYLE SMORGASBORD encapsulates style, beauty, interiors, eateries & travels and translates them into a picturesque mess of photography, ponderings, popular culture and the occasional pun. Karen is from the beautiful Australia, yet she constantly suffers from wanderlust. She often likes to make up her own vocabulary and her photographer boyfriend comes in the form of a remote, a friend or a family member. She knows how obnoxious it is to write her own biography but she does what she wants because that is the beauty of the web. She is constantly inspired and floored by anything and everything and a paradoxical blend of being a realist and an idealist. And now, she must switch tenses again because she wishes to drop the formalities: Hello and Welcome to Style Smorgasbord, I hope you enjoy your stay and don’t hesitate to drop me a toodle!signoff3

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  1. Hey there Karen! Your posts are always inspiring and I’ve nominated your lovely blog for the Liebster Award! You can check it out in my latest post. Have a great 2015 and keep up the good work!


  2. Loved your blog layout and standout of your blog name on your home page! An interesting find of your blog and thank you for stopping by mine. You have quite a range of interests and can’t wait to read all and your future posts 🙂

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