101 in 1001

The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days? Many people have created lists in the past — frequently simple goals such as new year’s resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

Start: Friday January 1st 2016

End: Friday September 28th 2018

Progress: 8 out of 101

  1. Go on a cruise {achieved on the 17/01/16 with my family – we went on the secrets of the south cruise with P&O to portland, sorrento, kangaroo island and eden}
  2. Graduate University
  3. Get my Ps
  4. Own a car
  5. Travel to Europe
  6. Donate blood
  7. Go on exchange to the U.S or U.K
  8. Go on a road trip with my friends
  9. Go on an overseas trip with friends
  10. Attend another Topdeck tour
  11. Go to the next Taylor Swift concert
  12. Visit the Great Barrier Reef
  13. Watch all 10 seasons of Friends { completed on the 01/01/16 }
  14. Get Ortho K
  15. Throw a 21st birthday party
  16. Finish a whole cookbook
  17. Finish one colouring book
  18. Redesign my blog
  19. Paint my room a new colour
  20. Make a start at learning mandarin
  21. Go on a juice cleanse
  22. Buy a lego advent calendar
  23. Get something monogrammed {completed April 2016 and got not one but three things monogrammed thanks to some lovely friends who own their own monogram store }
  24. Go on the Sydney Harbour Bridge climb
  25. Own all of Taylor Swift’s albums
  26. Start a coffee table book collection
  27. Own a Bar cart (and fill it with tea haha)
  28. Learn all the words to a rap song
  29. Learn to love a food that I used to hate {completed March 2016 – i now love figs!!! }
  30. Attend an Instameet
  31. Go to the Nike NTC on tour [completed 19/03/16]
  32. Go to an overnight music festival
  33. Sign up for bootcamp for at least a season
  34. Attend group fitness classes for at least a season
  35. Go glamping
  36. Go camping
  37. Go to a midnight premiere
  38. Renovate my closet
  39. Own a pair of OTK boots [completed 03/16]
  40. Own a pair of Charlotte Olympia kitty flats
  41. Read the entire Lord of the Rings books
  42. Go to a trampoline world
  43. See the snow
  44. Learn my blood type
  45. Learn how to play poker
  46. Read for 30 minutes every night for a month
  47. Donate to a Kickstarter campaign
  48. Start playing the piano again
  49. Dye my hair [completed 01/16]
  50. Do a colour run
  51. Do a City2Surf
  52. Try eyebrow waxing or threading
  53. Get business cards [completed 03/16]
  54. Take a staycation somewhere by the water
  55. Take a staycation in the city
  56. Drive along the Great Ocean Road
  57. Unsubscribe from all the emails that I don’t read
  58. See a movie outdoors
  59. Participate in the Australian Day Havaianas Thong Challenge
  60. Swim in a waterfall
  61. Go paint balling
  62. Go paddle boarding
  63. Learn how to make cocktails
  64. Take a self defence class
  65. Take a CPR class
  66. See a play
  67. See a musical
  68. Find my signature scent
  69. See 5 Audrey Hepburn films {January 2016 watched Breakfast at Tiffany’s / May 2016 watched Funny Face}
  70. Put $10 into savings for every goal achieved
  71. Subscribe to Harper’s Bazaar
  72. Carve a pumpkin
  73. Own a Pandora bracelet for my 20s
  74. Send someone a care package
  75. For one month buy nothing new
  76. Volunteer at a Christmas Eve dinner hall
  77. Inspire someone to come up with their own 101 list
  78. Learn 20 more commands on my iMac
  79. Shoot all my blog photos in RAW
  80. Buy a 30mm lens
  81. Write a letter to someone I admire
  82. Become self hosted
  83. Have an Olympic Games viewing party
  84. Spend a whole day studying in the NSW state library
  85. Watch a Ted Talk live
  86. Start reading the paper everyday
  87. Vote in a federal election
  88. Blog 3 times a week for a month
  89. Host a friendsgiving
  90. Attend a horse racing event
  91. Make hard copies of my blog
  92. Connect with a blogging friend in real life
  93. Watch ten classic films
  94. Go to a Madame Tassaud’s
  95. Do Blogilates everyday for 3 months straight
  96. Own all the Harry Potter Books, reread them and rewatch the films
  97. Attend a Twilight at Taronga concert
  98. Read Time Magazine on a monthly basis
  99. Get foil number balloons on one of my birthdays
  100. Come up with 101 things I want to achieve in 1001 days  { completed on the 01/01/16 }
  101. Come up with 101 things I want to achieve in the next 1001 days