Prep To The Top


If you can’t beat them, prep, prep, prep to the top! Now that you’re all inspired by last week’s post, its time to start preparation. I’m  a big fan of planners because without them I would literally be hopping from foot to foot trying to decipher the jumbled find a word that is my brain. I think Kikki K slays when it comes to planners and diaries and I’ve used their ‘cute’ range two years in a row but for 2015 I decided to upgrade to a planner. Kikki K also greatly dictates what my power colours are for the new year and this year I’m definitely getting my strength from lilacs and champagne pinks.

There are some really beautiful blogs out there that are solely dedicated to planner decoration which involves layers of washi tape, stickers and quote cards but as much as I strive for that aesthetic, its simply a bit unpractical. Instead, I stick to the two most important basics that you’ll need: sticky notes and colourful pens.

I use colour pens to colour code my schedule for example pink pen = social events, light blue pen = blogging and green pen = exercise. Throughout the week, as new appointments, fees, etc. come into my life, I’ll put them down on the day they’re due. Then, on the Sunday of each week I’ll take a to-do list sticky note and write down things I need to do for Monday in order of priority. I usually write a big list that is never finished in 24 hours so by Tuesday I can move the sticky note down and continue checking off my items. However, if something bigger comes up the next day, I’ll layer another sticky note on top, complete those ones first and then go back to my original list.

When you have an empty day, planners seem redundant but when you want to make the most of every minute, this is how to do it! Don’t believe me? Try How To Become a Straight A Student by Cal Newport and 168 Hours You Have More Time Than You Think by Laura Vanderkam for case studies, statistics and activities that will make you feel like an incompetent sloth. Kidding! However, if you do want to see how sloth like you are, create a 24 hour graph and record how much time you spend doing things like a) scrolling through buzzfeed before you get out of bed b) waiting for someone to snapchat you back c) standing in line for free ice-cream taste testing.*

* Kidding Kidding, there is always time for ice cream taste testing!


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  1. I think this is the best blog post I have read in a long time. I have had a lifelong obsession with planners but besides that, these tips are very practical and maybe some that not many people do. I love the colored pens idea-I have been obsessively using planners for years and I hadn’t considered doing this until now. Thanks for the fantastic post!


    1. Omgsh Cami this was so sweet, I’m so glad you enjoyed my post and hopefully you can incorporate it into your planner now. Thanks for reading! ❤ ❤


  2. This is great! I have a slight obsession with stationary and those photos are beautiful, I just looked at them for ages haha. I also use colour pens to organise my uni life, they really are the best thing 🙂 x


  3. What a great post!! I’ve only wanted to be more organized with my life but sure hasn’t been easy! I love how you used colored pens and sticky tape to prioritize and I will definitely begin using that in my life! Thank you so much!


  4. Love this! I live by my little agenda and just can’t give it up for a digital version. I need coloured pen on paper or it’s just not satisfying. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Just saw this post, and it is absolutely amazing! So well written and the photos are beautiful. Your organization skills are on-point, and I cannot wait to try them out for my own. Great post Karen!


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